Medicare scam reported in Weatherford area

  • Callers are telling citizens they need to replace their Medicare card with a new plastic credit card style card. Photo illustration by Montgomery Malone/WDN

Medicare-age citizens are encouraged to be aware of a scam currently being reported in the Weatherford area.

Callers are telling citizens they need to replace their Medicare card with a new plastic credit card-style card. They also are then asking for information such as Medicare number on their current card.

Medicare office employees say they never make outgoing cals to Medicare care holders. The concern is the scammer will get Medicare numbers and start placing fraudulent charges with those numbers.

Medicare card holders are encouraged to watch their monthly statements closely and report any charges they are not familiar with to the Medicare number on the back of their current cards.

It always is encouraged never to give out any personal information to unsolicited callers because this is the typical method used to steal personal information which can cause havoc and possible unwanted charges for the cardholder.