4 simple ways to keep indoor air fresh at all times


Americans today are more focused on cleaning and sanitization — not to mention the air they breathe — than ever.

Indoor air quality has already been a growing concern in the United States for some time. According to a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment, indoor air quality can be worse than the air outdoors. You may not realize that simply by doing normal things like cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene or enjoying a hobby, invisible pollution is being added to the air.

Develop an indoor green thumb

With more people looking to be productive at home, houseplants are a great clean air solution that has multiple benefits. According to houseplant specialists The Sill, houseplants help boost your mood and productivity, which is essential for anyone spending long hours working at home. The Pothos plant is highly rated for removing indoor air toxins as well as the Snake plant, which absorbs toxins through its leaves and produces oxygen. With houseplants, not only will your work space look lush but also the air will stay fresh.

Use a room and portable air purifiers

From the kitchen to the car to the office or dorm room, the portable LG PuriCare Mini Air Purifier helps clean air wherever you go. Compact and light enough to carry in one hand, the advanced filter removes 99 percent ultra-fine dust and reduces allergens and irritants. One charge provides quiet filtration for up to 8 hours. A four-color LED smart display shows air quality in real-time and Bluetooth control makes monitoring conditions and performance simple. If you’re looking for a permanent air purifier in your home, LG’s PuriCare 360 is certified asthma and allergy friendly by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and removes more than 90 percent of airborne allergens.