Habitat for Humanity house applications open now

  • Applications for the Habitat for Humanity house located in Weatherford will close November 15. Provided

Applications for the Habitat for Humanity house located in Weatherford opened Friday and will close November 15.

HFH is looking for a family or even an individual in significant need of a house and who have been denied for at traditional mortgage. However, applicants must have suitable income to pay a 20-30-year mortgage and be along North Caddo Street, will be 1,200 square feet and have 3 bedrooms and 1 and ¾ bathrooms.

If chosen, the applicant will pay for the market value of the home across 15-20 years with a 0-percent interest rate. They also will be expected to help finish the current house and the one next door.

Applications can be found at habitatweatherford.org. Once completed, they can be emailed to habitatweatherford@gmail.com or mailed to P.O. Box 1851, Weatherford, OK, 73096.

For more information visit the website listed above, visit the Habitat for Humanity Weatherford Facebook page or call (405) 586-0003.