Child advocacy groups tour local care center

  • Members of the Oklahoma Commission for Children and Youth visit Stepping Stones Child Care Center in Weatherford as part of a statewide tour.

The directors for two local child advocacy groups recently visited Stepping Stones Child Care Center in Weatherford as part of a statewide tour gathering information.

“We are here to spend time in Weatherford and learn about things which are, or are not, working well for families,” Annette Jacobi, director of the Oklahoma Commission for Children and Youth (OCCY), said. “In particular, what we want to know what gaps there are in supporting families.”

Jacobi was joined by Joe Dorman, director of the Oklahoma Institute on Child Advocacy (OICA) — an independent organization — and Weatherford resident Kalie Kerth, a commissioner and secretary for OCCY.

Jacobi said OCCY is a small organization with a big charge — overseeing the child serving system and finding solutions for problems within the system. Its sister organization, OICA, works closely with OCCY to investigate claims and allegations within the system.

“We are the outside of government voice which works at the state capitol and the nation’s capitol trying to encourage better policies,” Dorman said.

Jacobi said OCCY is tasked with forming a state plan each year for children’s services. The tour allows her to gather information from the public and those providing the services to families.

OICA also is involved with the tour, gathering information for its fall forum. This forum takes public input and works with law makers to create changes.

In addition to gathering information from the tour, OCCY has a survey open to the public, which can be accessed at