County to move forward with trust money investment


The Custer County Board of Commissioners voted to move forward with investing money from the County Law Enforcement Center Trust but took no action regarding a contract to replace the county jail roof.

These decisions were made during the meeting of the Law Enforcement Center Trust Tuesday, during the county commission meeting.

Last Monday, Jacob Stewart from Edward Jones in Clinton visited with the commission regarding options for investing the trust money. Stewart previously had visited with the commissioners individually.

The money for the trust comes from the county sales tax and is kept separate from general county funds.

The commissioners will meet with representatives from Edward Jones, who will ask a series of questions before drawing up a contract. This contract will be presented for approval at a later meeting.

The board took no action regarding the contract with ARMKO Industries to replace the jail roof because they still had questions about the process and the high costs of materials. District 1 Commissioner Wade Anders also wanted to ask some vendors what they thought of the architect company.

If the contract is approved, ARMKO will charge 5.5 percent of the total bid price. The board may consider this item during next week’s meeting.

In other news, the board approved claims payable from the law enforcement center trust for a computer which will be used by the booking clerk as well as vent hood inspection and cleaning and training for county law enforcement officials.

The board received the trust update report and approved minutes from the last meeting.

During the regular county commission meeting, the board opened bids for fuel dispensers with keypad and inventory control for District 2 were opened. The county received bids from Domino Equipment Company and Hoidale.

The item was tabled for two weeks to allow Commissioner Bruce Walker to look at the bids. Bid prices were not given during the meeting.

The board passed a resolution regarding bridge inspection responsibility, declaring which inspection option they would be using. The board decided to continue using Circuit Engineering District 7.

The board approved a $7,000 transfer for Records Management and Preservation from M&O to Personal Services. The board also approved three pipeline road bore permits for District 2.

The board approved minutes for the previous month, blanket purchase orders and purchase orders for payment. The board also approved monthly officers’ reports, alcohol beverage certificates and appropriations.