Morrison: Doors of opportunity

  • Morrison: Doors of opportunity

I have to admit more often than not, I don’t have a clue as to what I am to write about in the next Higher Ground article.

This is one of those times. So I feel impressed to just share a little of a difficult spring break week and the way God blessed me this week. The previous week, spring break for the youngin’s, was not one of the most joyful.

At midnight Sunday, I found myself calling 911. Mary, my wife, was experiencing heavy chest pains and I felt we needed help. After several hours and many tests in the ER it was determined she should be taken to the Heart hospital in Oklahoma City.

I felt I needed at least a couple of hours of sleep before driving to the city so I went home for a quick nap and prepare for at least an overnight stay in the hospital.

The cardiologist decided to do an angiogram Tuesday, so Monday was a day of more tests and waiting. Already groggy from sleep deprivation, the narrow bed, a bench, in the room didn’t provide much comfort to catch up on that loss.

But by this time Mary was feeling much better and the nurses were very kind. The angiogram did not show any major problems and with more pills and a future review and checkup planned, we were free to go home.

After a couple of nights of sleep I woke up early Friday morning with waves of nausea sweeping over me. I had succumbed to a stomach bug which made my day miserable. I missed church that Sunday but I recovered well enough to make it to the county jail for the Sunday evening service. That is where the blessing came in.

We have been going through the DVD series which accompanies Rick Warren’s book, Purpose Driven Life. That evening Rick shared the concept we were shaped to serve. One of the groups is made up of Northern Cheyenne Native Americans, mostly from Montana.

I shared a handout that I had found on the internet that described a ministry of service by a Native American Pastor and ministry leader in the region where some of the men had lived. In fact, one of the men had met the minister.

It was an opportunity to challenge them to go back to the reservation and become a servant, providing a platform from which to share the love of Jesus. One man proudly shared he fully had read the book, PDL. I asked if there was one thing that stood out for him.

He replied, “The Great Commission.” Another inmate showed me his notebook. I had challenged them as they read to pick out key verses, and write out a prayer relating to that verse. His notebook revealed page after page of verses and prayers he had written as he read through N.T. books. Another young man held up a book he had read. He said it was the first book he had ever read from start to finish.

I almost forgot to share Saturday I was able to help two 20-year-old women with their utility bills. This from the Ministerial Alliance. One was a single mom with three children and another living as a caregiver for her 15-year-old brother. They both indicated they needed and wanted to get started back in church. I was able to share this with some friends who planned to make a follow up visit.

So I was blessed and all the glory goes to God who keeps me healthy and opens the doors of opportunity. “And pray for us too, that God may open a door for our message, we may proclaim the mystery of Christ…. pray I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” Col. 4:4,5.

To comment, email jhm82@outlook or call (580) 772-2311.