Staying safe when riding ATVs

  • A recent class of young ATV enthusiasts learn safety during a course launched by the Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development Program and Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Provided

All-terrain vehicles can be as dangerous as they are fun to ride.

Fortunately, the Oklahoma 4- H Youth Development program and Oklahoma Farm Bureau have launched a safety course to help children and families learn how to minimize risks associated with ATVs.

Oklahoma averages 18-24 ATVrelated deaths each year, Jim Rhodes, Oklahoma State University Extension educator of Oklahoma youth safety, said. Those numbers also include the nation’s highest rate of injury for children 16 and younger driving adult-sized vehicles.

The Oklahoma Farm Bureau/ Oklahoma 4-H ATV Training Facility in Guthrie teaches fundamentals such as proper protective gear and correct body positioning when riding. The program offers a team-building and leadership skills development component as well.

The class is available to 4-H groups, FFA chapters, church groups and families. The program is designed for both first-timers and seasoned riders, Rhodes said.

“It’s important for kids to attend these classes and learn about the safety involved,” Rhodes said. “When an ATV fits a child improperly, it can result in an accident.”

An ATV typically is designed to be ridden by a single person behind handlebars, and its four low-pressure tires are designed for rougher terrain. Proper gear such as a helmet, goggles, gloves, overankle boots, long-sleeve shirts and pants protect the rider in harsh environments.

The course elaborates on guidance for ATV operators such as:

• Always wear a helmet and fasten seat belts.

• Drive at safe speeds in only designated areas.

• Read and follow the operator manual.

Lisa Stejskal’s children recently completed the course, and they couldn’t stop talking about it during the drive home.

“The part my kids liked best was they got to go onto the trail after their basic training. Both instructors are very knowledgeable and help each kid tremendously,” she said. “They want to go back to experience everything again.”

Many children have gotten a selfesteem boost by the time the class is complete. When they work with others in the course, leaderships skills develop as well, Rhodes said.

“At the beginning of the class, kids can be nervous and unsure. By the end of the day, their confidence has increased, helping them become safe riders,” he said.

As long as participants are wearing long-sleeve shirts, pants and overankle boots, Rhodes will provide other necessary safety equipment such as helmet and gloves for the course.

For more information or to schedule a class, contact Rhodes at