Weatherford valedictorians speak about life, future

  • Weatherford High School’s valedictorians speak about life and the future Pictured, from left, is Shyann Gates, Raegan Kirby, Isaac Martyn, Abbie Moses, Kennadi Price, Kaitlyn Roehr and Hannah Strickler. Danny Ediger Jr./WDN

The Weatherford High School valedictorians addressed the Class of 2021 during the graduation ceremony Saturday morning.

The seven valedictorians each took a few minutes to speak about life and the future for the graduates. They also offered thanks to friends, family and teachers as well as advice for the underclassmen.

“I hope today is filled with celebration and, most importantly, gratitude,” Shyann Gates said. “If there’s one thing I learned while in high school, it’s to appreciate where you are in life and who you are with.”

“I just want to say thank you to all of the faculty and staff at Weatherford Public Schools for helping us get this far,” Raegan Kirby said. “We couldn’t have done it without you. Congratulations graduates.”

“Every once in a while, Class of 2021, identify your priorities, set aside an hour to remind yourself of your goal and see what needs to be done to obtain it,” Isaac Martyn said.

“We experienced the craziest high school career, and somehow we still are here,” Abbie Moses said. “Senior year is bittersweet. Everything is being done for the last time because you are about to start everything over again.”

“To some it appears we just are leaving the school and grades behind. In reality, we have to say goodbye to all the little things we have known,” Kennadi Price said. “Do not miss out on the little things in life, because in hard times it will seem so much bigger.”

“We’ve been known as a determined and stubborn class for many reasons, one of which is we stand for what is right even when we are told it is one of our most considerable fault,” Stephanie Roehr. “I’m confident this isn’t an adverse trait but something we must hold onto as we enter a world which sometimes works against us.”

“Class of 2025, you soon will embark on the craziest journey yet,” Hannah Strickler said. “Get involved. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Get to know your teachers on a personal level.”