4 easy - and effective - ways to protect your home — part 2


Data collected in recent years by the FBI has revealed there are roughly 2.5 million burglaries a year.

This averages out to one burglary about every 13 seconds nationwide. So, while many feel safe and secure at home, one can never be too prepared when it comes to protecting your loved ones.

But what’s the solution? Beyond evaluating your surroundings and identifying unsecure access points, many homeowners can benefit from taking proactive preventative measures to ensure their homes and families are protected. And while installing an expensive, high-tech security system is an easy solution, there are other measures that can be taken to provide immediate barriers and establish a safer distance from potential threats.

Here are four effective ways to easily prepare and protect your home year-round.

2. Strengthen door security

If your primary concern is reinforcing your doors, there are several easy-to-install and affordable options to help support hinged and sliding doors. Designed for nearly every door, products such as an adjustable Door Security Bar can provide a strong grip and help prevent doors from opening.

However, if you would prefer to alert people when an intruder is present, a SABRE Door Stop Alarm can provide peace of mind. Designed to look like a simple door wedge, a piercing alarm sounds when the door opens slightly and pressure is applied, drawing immediate attention to the situation from up to 1,500 feet away. It can be easily set up on any hotel door or rental property, bringing an added sense of security on the road.