Book club meets for July meeting at Pioneer Center

  • Pictured from left are book club members who attend the monthly book club meetings at the Pioneer Center. Kiersten Stone/WDN
  • Tonya Baldwin

The Pioneer Center hosts book club meetings on the last Thursday of every month.

For the month of July, the book club members read The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.

The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek takes place in 1936 Kentucky. The protagonist of the book is a 19-year-old woman named Cussy Mary Carter. Cussy is the last living female of the rare Blue People ancestry. She becomes a traveling librarian by way of a pack mule. The book is based on a true story.

When Library Manager Tonya Baldwin asked the club about their thoughts on the book and how well they liked the stoty, the group all had the same answer. “I’m ready to read the sequel,” one book club member said.

The next book the club will be reading for the month of August is Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe.

Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe is about a young woman who travels to Alabama to settle the affairs of her beloved late grandmother. Her plans take a turn though when she begins to unravel the truth about her past.