POV: the first finals and the last

  • POV: the first finals and the last
  • Ashley Adams/WDN Congratulations to the “Winter Wonder Cruise” winners. The WDN is giving away tickets to a five-day Caribbean cruise. Each of the winners gets a free ticket to bring a plus one on the cruise as well. Above, Nicole Parkhurst stands by the wheel after winning a Winter Wonder Cruise. At left, Brenda, middle, and Dennis Williams, stand with WDN Publisher Phillip Reid, left, and wear the captain’s hat after winning the Caribbean vacation for two.

The last week of the semester begins Monday, and for SWOSU students, this means final exams are upon them.

Finals can be very different for each class. Some exams will be multiple choice; others will be essays; some are online, and others are project-based.

No matter what the exams look like, they are the last thing standing between college students and a long break, and there is a good deal of anxiety and anticipation surrounding the tests.

Two students at opposite ends of their collegiate journey shared about the upcoming week. Randi Lee Troglin, a senior from Mountain View, is majoring in business management and graduating December 16. She now is facing her last set of final exams. Jake Estes, a freshman from Canute, is majoring in exercise science. He is now preparing for his first round of finals.

Here is what the pair had to say about their semesters and the upcoming final exams.

How do you feel going into finals week?

Randi Lee: I’m sad to be done, but I’m not nervous about finals. With the way the business school works, we’ve already done all our big presentations, so finals are not the hardest part of the semester.

Jake: It’s like anxious, but I’m not nervous. There’s heavy anticipation. I feel like I’ve been prepared, but it’s just a new thing for me.

What is one word you would use to summarize this semester?

Randi Lee: Fulfilling. Everything just came to a head this semester. The Lord was very good this semester and everything happened at once.

Jake: Exciting. I’ve kind of got a little taste of college life and I’m looking forward to the next four years. I’m going to go onto med school next, so I’ve got plenty of school ahead of me.

Has the semester been what you expected?

Randi Lee: Not at all. I’ve seen the Lord’s faithfulness a lot this semester. I spent the last three years in a lot of organizations and working toward a lot of things, but I just knew I needed to let some things go. It was so hard the first few weeks, but I had more time to spend with the people I love, and then Homecoming happened, and I got engaged, and I get to graduate early. The Lord brought so many things out of the semester which were out of my control.

Jake: I thought it would take me longer to get accommodated to college life, but I already have new friends from outside my hometown and we hangout all the time. Canute was one building and there was no campus. I like getting used to the open campus at SWOSU.

How many finals do you have to take?

Randi Lee: Five.

Jake: Five.

What study tips would you give?

Randi Lee: I’m not a good studier, but I am Summa Cum Laude based on having good relationships with my teachers. My advice would be to have good relationships with your teachers and the people in authority. Also study early.

Jake: You need to space it out. In high school you can get away with cramming the night before or maybe not studying at all, but here you need to spread it out and make use of the library and other places which are set aside for studying. Also, surround yourself with people of the same mindset you can study with.

Jake, what advice do you have for high schoolers looking ahead to


Get out and get involved. That can be one of the most daunting things going into college — not knowing many people from your hometown who are coming here and going into a whole new field. In high school, you’re all kept in one bubble, but in college everyone gets to spread out and pursue their own dreams and passions. You get to surround yourself with people who fit the same mold as you do, and find people who are smarter than you. You should never be the smartest one in your friend group. Find people you can learn from.

Randi Lee, what advice do you have for college students who are feeling discouraged, like they’ll never graduate?

College is such a sweet space to find your community and build your network. You have the choice in who you put yourself around. You also have the opportunity to get to know people you wouldn’t usually be around, so your network can expand so much. SWOSU is such an interesting place with interesting people, so get out there and ask questions and meet people. Also surround yourself with the people you want pouring into your life.

What do you plan to do December 17, when finals are finished?

Randi Lee: I will be in a car, heading to Colorado to ski for the first time. I will probably break both my legs. I’ll be going skiing directly after graduation.

Jake: I will be sleeping in and being with family.