‘Someone always is there for you’

  • Pictured at right is the Martinez family at their last court appearance regarding the adoption. From left is Jonathan Hawthorn, 16; Danny Martinez with Remi; Shelby Martinez; Sophia, 3; Gracie, 12; Jordan, 14; Mister, 3; Havyn, 12; and Braylee, 10. Provided

Danny Martinez knows what it’s like to grow up in large family, being raised with several brothers and sisters.

“We were celebrating something almost every weekend—always cooking out, always playing with water,” he said. “Someone always is there for you.”

This closeness is something he wants for his kids now.

Danny brought two kids, Jordan and Gracie, into his marriage with Shelby. The couple later had two more, Sophia and Remi. They also have been raising Shelby’s younger brother, and adopted three more children, making them a family of 10.

Their big family journey began several years earlier when they began raising Shelby’s younger brother Jonathan, now 16. The couple later was approached about a couple more kinship placements before a social worker approached them about becoming a foster family.

Danny said the family had a handful of boys and girls come through the house, some who returned to their families and others who returned to the Martinez household. The couple even took in an infant.

After a few years of fostering, Danny said he and Shelby were approached about adopting Mister, Braylee and Havyn. After discussing the situation with the birth parents, the family decided to move ahead with the adoptions. However, Danny said the children still have contact with their birth families.

“I still want the kids to know who their (birth) parents are so if they have questions, they have access to them,” he said. “But in the end, I’m the one raising them.”

The Martinez family became official in December after finalizing the paperwork.

Danny said parenting eight children — ages 16 to 2 — or any big family comes with challenges, but he takes them as they come and does his best to guide his children.

He also said the kids keep them busy. Jordan, 14, plays basketball on and off season and is a member of the football and track teams. Havyn, 12, also plays basketball. Sophie, 6, Braylee, 10, and Gracie, 12, all are in gymnastics. His oldest, Jonathan, currently is working for the summer.

Danny said the most rewarding part of being a father is being there with his children. During his first marriage, he worked in the oilfield, which meant he missed a lot while his first two were young. After the most recent recession, Danny made a career change, giving him more time at home with his family.

“You make mistakes trying to make money to provide for your family, but you miss out on memories. I didn’t want to make that mistake with my other children,” he said.

Danny said he wants to remind fathers to enjoy their children now because they grow up fast. The small things, like just being there, are what really matter.